SERCAP: From TAP Pilot Program to Helping Provide Safe Water Across Seven States

Southeast Rural Community Action Project (SERCAP) started as a TAP pilot program, the Virginia Water Project, to provide safe drinking water to Roanoke Valley residents. The program proved so successful that it spun off into its own organization in 1969. Today, SERCAP serves over one million households across seven states. They provide safe water, sanitary water disposal, and structurally sound housing. 

“In 1966 there were 278,000 families in Virginia with no indoor plumbing and no running water on the property,” explained the late Cabell Brand, founder of TAP and the creator of what ultimately became SERCAP. This expanded to the larger RCAP network, serving the entire United States with community development projects. His comments are captured in a video production by SERCAP. “So, we started a demonstration water project and got a grant from the Ford Foundation to test this idea. And what we found out was when you brought water to people, economic development started. People started putting roads in, and infrastructure, and people started building houses. So, this caught on with the State legislature, and our demonstration water project eventually became the Virginia Water Project, and the Virginia Water Project then became the National Water Project.”

“We are an organization that holds the hands of small rural communities that often tend to feel like they are left behind,” explains Hope F. Cupit, President & CEO of SERCAP. “We work with communities for the long term, over 30-40 years, to get them to where they need to be.” This includes providing support for economic development, job creation, and infrastructure. “We find ourselves working with many community-based projects, rather than individuals.”

Born and raised in Roanoke, Hope has both professional and personal ties to TAP. “My first introduction to TAP as a child that I recall is being at the Head Start center.” This was located at the YMCA in Gainsboro. “That’s where we all went. Had great memories there. The teachers were great to us. We felt nurtured.”

Hope’s a community success story herself. She was one of the first participants in Project Discovery. TAP took her to visit colleges and helped pay for entrance exam fees. She received an accounting degree from James Madison University, then became a licensed CPA. Hope later earned a master’s degree. She is now an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Virginia Western Community College. Two of her three children have gone on to earn college degrees.

Hope joined SERCAP in 2007 as the comptroller and became CEO two years later. “I finally got to meet the man who made this all possible and that was Cabell Brand,” she says. “That was the man who provided the necessary support to a group of folks who he did not have to help because he was already a self-made millionaire. He gave back to people who were less fortunate and he didn’t have to. I can’t thank him and his family enough.”

“This has come back full circle,” Hope explains. “I came back home to Roanoke working very closely with the Agency who gave me the support to get to where I am today. I want to make sure I’m in a position to give back to others because of the situation I found myself in years ago.”

This year, SERCAP became a TAP Corporate Investor.

Angela Penn Header 2

Picking Up the Mantle And Moving Forward – New President & CEO, Angela Penn Discusses Her Vision for TAP’s Future

On March 2, 2024, TAP welcomed its fourth President & CEO in its 59-year history when Angela Penn assumed the helm. Throughout her 20 years with the agency, she’s led TAP’s community and housing development initiatives. She also spent six years as the public information officer for the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority. Angela’s husband is from Roanoke. His 101-year-old grandmother was a TAP Head Start teacher at Lincoln Terrace.

Thinking Forward

“The way I view TAP, as it approaches its 60th anniversary next year, is it has been the agency that has helped families gain personal and economic independence,” Angela says. “TAP is at the heart of transforming lives. My role is to help make sure that we have all of the things in place in order to continue striving for that mission and continue to work with the community that we serve.”

In August 2023, TAP hired Dr. David Johns to fill a new role as Director of Fund Development. “I think that is an incredible positive focus for our agency,” says Angela. “We haven’t always had the capacity to have someone focused on fund development.” 

The Bringing Hope Home campaign is part of this effort to encourage local private sector support for TAP. It’s establishing an endowment and creating a forward-thinking perspective. “It helps us look at more creative and innovate ways to meet needs,” Angela explains. “We are a grant-driven organization where the funders prescribe what we can do with those dollars. For us to have the flexibility of unrestricted dollars will help us meet community needs at another level.”

Whole Family Focus

Angela’s predecessor, Annette Lewis, spearheaded the agency’s recent shift to a Whole Family focus. The initiative means TAP provides services to the entire household, rather than only the individual who walks through our doors. “I think that it is a much-needed approach,” says Angela. “I think it has done tremendous things for our organization because if you look at the structure of TAP, we really are a large organization with five to six small companies within it. When you operate like that, it’s very easy to get focused on [one thing].” Departments used to operate in silos. Angela welcomes more interdepartmental collaboration. 

“We do have two individuals that serve as Whole Family coordinators, so that when people come to the agency with needs, they will refer them to other departments, but they are not the only area of contact for Whole Family,” Angela says. “Whole Family needs to be the focus of all our case managers within our organization.” For example, does a Business Seed client need quality childcare? “Getting people to think and shift into that mindset of not just what they came in the door for, but how can we help them more completely.” TAP also refers to partners and other agencies in the community. 

TAP’s work supports four major areas: Education & Employment, Domestic Violence & Family Services, Financial Services, and Housing. “Each of those areas focus on helping families with sustainability,” Angela explains. “I think we can further that sustainability and independence of those families by making sure we follow the Whole Family approach. We can really impact them in a much greater way if we’re helping them with all of the services we can provide to them.”

TAP’s Community Development Impact

Throughout Angela’s tenure with TAP, she has had a hand in the success of dozens of community development initiatives. She’s particularly proud of the Terrace Apartments project. TAP acquired the building and renovated it. Built in the late 40s, this building now provides 187 units for low-income families. “In Roanoke right now there’s concern about affordable housing, so it’s important those units remain affordable housing for the community,” she says.

TAP recently became the land bank for the City of Roanoke. “We help other non-profit developers with the acquisition of property, so they can develop them into affordable housing,” Angela explains. Through these efforts, vacant property goes back on the tax rolls. These structures also foster community improvement.

Another project Angela cites is a five-year block grant program in the Pinehurst Heights and Thomastown neighborhoods of Bath County. TAP renovated about 27 structures for owner-occupied families. This included rebuilds and renovations. “This was truly a partnership working with Bath County,” Angela says.

Continuing a Legacy

“We are so appreciative of the work that [former TAP Presidents] Ted Edlich and Annette Lewis did. We stand on their shoulders,” she states. “They are giants in the Community Action world. We’re picking up the mantle from them and carrying the organization forward.” They listened to this community at TAP’s beginning; we enter our 60th year listening to the needs and challenges of individuals and families in our community today. “Until we eradicate poverty from this valley, we will have work to do.” It’s an enormous task, Angela admits. “But when we work together, anything is possible.”

Kasey Scott - March Feature Story

Embracing Hope: The Transformative Power of Advocacy

Kasey Scott has worked hard to get her life on track. She’s beaten a drug addiction and battled homelessness, while working to build the best life for her three kids. When her daughter was non-verbal at the age of four, she reached out to TAP for help. In May 2022, she connected with Daisy Medina, a TAP Head Start home visitor. Since then, things have started looking up.

Kasey’s journey hasn’t been easy. She was living and working at the Daleville Holiday Inn when they closed. Her fiancé has chronic kidney disease, requiring dialysis three times a week. She’s faced challenges getting her daughter into the public school system. Transportation is difficult because she doesn’t have a car.

Daisy serves as an advocate and resource provider for Kasey’s family. Her support has been crucial to helping them endure and overcome barriers. “Daisy has been like an angel to us,” says Kasey. “She has been a godsend and brings us clothes, food if we need it, activities to work on to progress the kids’ speech.” She’s even collected gloves from her grandkids to share with Kasey’s kids. Daisy is advocating to get Kasey’s daughter enrolled in public school by working with school personnel.

Each week, on Tuesday or Thursday, Daisy visits Kasey’s home. “This is something that the kids look forward to every week,” says Kasey. “Daisy has been one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. She genuinely cares for her kids. We’d be literally lost without her.”

Raising three kids while getting clean and being homeless is behind her. Kasey is determined to provide a good home and a better life for the entire family. She feels her kids’ developmental challenges were due to isolation during the pandemic. Kasey commends Daisy for their progress. “For my daughter not to be talking to now full-blown talking. Daisy spending that little bit of time with them has made their life and my life so much better.”

Today, Kasey’s daughter is putting together sentences and reading to her. Her two-year-old son has even started reading. Kasey is clean and looking for work. She credits TAP with giving her and her family the support they needed to thrive.

“TAP has been a godsend for us. It really has,” she says. “I would be really lost without TAP. I really think the world needs to know more about this program.”

Roanoke Gas Investor Spotlight

Investor Spotlight: Roanoke Gas

Celebrating 140 years in business this year, Roanoke Gas was established in 1883. Roanoke became a city just one year earlier. The company has served this community for a long time—not only through gas products and services, but also by improving residents’ well-being. Some of these efforts have occurred in concert with TAP.

“Roanoke Gas has a long, proud history of supporting TAP,” says Paul Nester, President & CEO of RGC Resources, Inc., the parent company of Roanoke Gas. Paul is also currently serving as TAP’s Chair of the Board. “I always admired the helping hand, a hand up more so than a hand out, of TAP,” he states. “We are meeting people where they have a need, eradicating poverty one person at a time.”

“We’ve got a fabulous board,” says Paul. “I like the tripartite nature of it.” This includes TAP clients, elected officials, and private sector leaders. Paul appreciates the diversity of ideas that come from board discussions. “Everyone has their heart and mind in the right place,” he says. Paul isn’t the first Roanoke Gas employee to chair the TAP Board, and other Roanoke Gas staffers participate on TAP committees.

Most recently, Roanoke Gas partnered with TAP and other local organizations on the Healthy Homes Roanoke initiative. This public-private collaboration aims to make homes safer and more comfortable for local families in need. This involves conducting a whole-house review, looking at issues like radon, mold, lead, and more. “We’re part of the HVAC piece,” Paul explains. “People who have benefited from that have had a real demonstrative need.” Roanoke Gas is also a supporter of TAP’s Bringing Hope Home annual campaign, and a sponsor of the agency’s annual meeting.

“As a not-for-profit, TAP does an incredible job of strategic planning,” says Paul. “TAP really is a very special organization. A lot of that is due to its history, its success, its employees. Roanoke Gas is invested in this community, as is TAP. Both are committed to the strength and health of the community. I think it’s incumbent on all of us to maintain that, to make our community a better place to live and work.”

TAP Announces Angela Penn as New President and CEO

The TAP Board of Directors announced on February 20, 2024 that it has appointed Ms. Angela Penn as TAP’s fourth President and CEO, succeeding Ms. Annette Lewis, who earlier in 2023 announced her March 1, 2024  retirement after 35 years of service.

Ms. Penn is currently the Senior Vice President and Director of Real Estate Development and Energy Conservation and Housing Rehab. She has spent 20 years at TAP leading its community and housing development initiatives.  “After a comprehensive, public search process, Angela’s experiences, educational background, leadership and commitment to TAP’s mission clearly have prepared her to be successful as TAP’s next President and CEO,” stated TAP Board Chair and Roanoke Gas President and CEO Paul Nester.

Ms. Penn has overseen successful major renovations of property owned by TAP, including the agency’s Head Start centers and its Terrace Apartments. She is also TAP’s administrator for the City of Roanoke’s Land Bank and serves as the chair of the City’s Equity and Empowerment Advisory Board. Ms. Penn is a former Commissioner on the Roanoke City Planning Commission, having served as chairperson for two years. “Her leadership skills are unquestionable,” stated TAP’s current president, Ms. Annette Lewis.

“I am very happy for Angela and TAP. She is a highly effective leader who is committed to TAP’s mission. Angela is also well respected by both the agency’s 300 plus employees and the community,” added Ms. Lewis.

Ms. Penn accepted the position by stating, “I am humbled and honored to have been selected to serve as the fourth president of TAP. I stand on the shoulders of such accomplished leaders as Bristow Hardin, Jr., Ted Edlich, and Annette Lewis. I look forward to the opportunity to build upon their legacy and move the agency forward in its quest to assist low to moderate income families to achieve their goals and move toward financial independence.”

Ms. Penn will begin her tenure as TAP’s President and CEO immediately after Ms. Lewis’ retirement.

Investor Spotlight: Gentry Locke Attorneys

Supporter Spotlight: Gentry Locke

Gentry Locke is a strong supporter of TAP youth programs. Earlier this year, they invited students from our African American Culture and Contemporary Issues (AACCI) class to visit their Roanoke office on Juneteenth.

During this visit, the students, along with teacher Antonio Stovall, shared stories about how the program changed their lives. “It was incredibly inspiring and very uplifting,” says Monica Monday, chair of Gentry Locke’s Executive Board.

Attendees were also given a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to work there. After the visit, one student expressed interest in being an attorney. “We’re now talking with him about doing an internship at Gentry Locke,” Monica says. 

Another visit several years ago involved a mock trial. Students “got to decide the case and then we had a debrief about the legal issues, the factual issues, what it’s like to be a lawyer,” explains Monica.

The attorneys also plan to collaborate with AACCI in the future on a “speakers and snacks” program. They will regularly visit the classroom to speak to students about different topics and hand out snacks. “What we’re doing right now is we’re working on ways to stay connected with these students, but we’re always looking for other opportunities to partner with TAP,” says Monica. “We really value our partnership with TAP and we appreciate everything they do for the community.”

Image depicts multiple photos and illustrations of Annette over the years.

Annette Lewis: A Local Legacy

“When I came aboard TAP, I didn’t know how young it was,” says Annette Lewis, president and CEO. That was in 1988. TAP had been established 23 years prior, in 1965. “I thought it had been around forever. It was very well known in the community for helping people move out of poverty.” Now, in its 59th year, TAP’s still very well known, particularly by those who can use a helping hand. Annette is too. She’ll be leaving a legacy when she retires in March.

Annette worked for Allstate for nine years before leaving her job as manager to begin her time at TAP. Ironically, she recalls, “I decided I wasn’t going to manage anything or anybody else. I wanted a nine-to-five job.” TAP seemed a good fit with her existing social work degree, so she took a position as a summer youth employment counselor. “I fell in love with it,” she says. Teaching young people about the importance of showing up to work on time, finishing jobs in progress, communicating effectively with supervisors, and learning skills necessary to get and keep a job was invigorating. “I have run into many of them in recent years.  Here they are, professionals today, having gained this knowledge that they received [from TAP’s training].” 

“During my time at TAP, after deciding I didn’t want to become a manager, I became a supervisor with Head Start, I became a director,” she admits. And of course, ultimately, she became president and CEO.  

A Can-Do Culture

When Annette joined TAP 36 years ago, she discovered a can-do culture. “Early on, we were successful employing people with a passion. What they didn’t know they learned on the job. And this agency grew from that mindset,” she recalls. “If you had a skill, you could do just about anything.”

Annette tells the story of 21-passenger bus. At the time, she had been promoted to the coordinator of the Summer Youth Employment Program. She was taking youth on an overnight trip to a city 1.5 hours away. Due to the good relationship that the rental company had with TAP, the key was left so that the vehicle could be picked up if the office was closed. Surprisingly, the key was left for a 21-passenger bus. Annette looked at the vehicle, called her supervisor and said, “I don’t think I can drive this vehicle.”  She quickly realized her old way of thinking didn’t fit the TAP culture. Annette drove the bus that day, full of passengers. 

That passion and problem-solving spirit continues today. TAP is one of the main connectors in the community between those in need and area not-for-profits, according to a 2018 study. In fact, Virginia Tech’s research called TAP a “lynchpin,” critical in directing those in need to appropriate area providers. As a community action agency, TAP pays attention to what citizens are asking for and will often create initiatives and programs when other agencies can’t fill a void. With this mindset, the organization not only has a profound effect on the underprivileged in our area, but also the greater community as a whole. TAP’s yearly economic impact exceeds $35 million.   

Changing focus

Annette recalls that when she first started at TAP, services looked a little different than they do today. “We had many of the same programs we have now, youth programs, adult programs, workforce development programs, housing programs, a large Head Start program. TAP started the food bank [now Feeding Southwest Virginia] so we had food pantries. We also had clothes closets and other emergency services. We spent a lot of resources on those services. A decision was made to no longer provide emergency services.”

“I think the best decision that the agency made was to move out of the emergency services business into the human, community, and economic development services,” says Annette. “People will always need emergency services if they can’t stand on their own two feet. Equip people with the education and the skills that they need to stand on their own two feet and you’re changing lives, one family at a time.”

Funding Hope

Historically, TAP has relied heavily on grant funding. However, grant restrictions make it difficult to provide all of the services that families need. Grants also get discontinued and/or require annual reapplications without any ongoing funding guarantees. With more unrestricted funds and bigger community support, TAP can become more effective in its mission.

“Word of mouth drives people to knock on our door,” says Annette. She admits that influential people and those in a position to support TAP financially are less apt to know what TAP does. “I’m amazed, because I’m working in an environment where everyone knows us. That’s been interesting.”

To address this concern, TAP hired a director of fund development in 2023. TAP has tried several tactics to raise discretionary funds throughout the years, with varying success. This included special events. Annette explains that hosting a variety of concerts and other events raised some money, but not enough to start a program or keep one going.     

The agency finally struck the right chord when it introduced the Bringing Hope Home campaign four years ago. “Each year of the campaign, we raised more than our goal,” says Annette. “In three years, we’ve raised over $900,000. One hundred percent of the board participates.” With increasingly more effective funding initiatives, TAP can better provide for those it serves.

Looking Back

When asked what has brought the most joy from her tenure as president, Annette responds, “It’s the people that are assisted. It’s the lives that have been impacted. When I became a director and had graduation ceremonies—it’s the people who walk across the stage for the first time in their lives. Or a person who’s been abused and they don’t see any hope, who finds out they can get a safety plan and leave an abusive relationship. All of those things are just so rewarding.”

A few memories stick out in particular. Annette recalls a gentleman who worked at a manufacturing company for over 40 years until he retired in his 70s. “He never told anyone he couldn’t read.” She says she’ll never forget the moment when, after going through the TAP literacy program, he read a Valentine’s Day card to his wife for the very first time.  

“We had two federal Two-Generation grants that focused on assisting adults to continue their education so they could get a good-paying job while providing support for their children [through Head Start and other childcare programs],” she continues. “It was very successful. We have someone now who’s working on her masters in nursing as a result of our having a program like that. It is a best practice model for ending generational poverty. It’s not about the grant or just the individual. It’s about the family and their needs.”

The work TAP does with area youth is also a bright point. “At one time, schools in our region had children dropping out of school at an alarming rate of 500 kids each year. Most of them were Roanoke City Schools’ children. We started a dropout retrieval program and got over 900 back into education.” This was over a six-year period.

Finally, “To be in a home where you see sewage going up and down the walls and then seeing that home being repaired so the family can live in it safely and affordably is truly amazing,” she says. “People don’t realize how fortunate or blessed they are.”   

Pride in Standing Out

“We are not your typical non-profit,” says Annette. “We do so many things while operating over 20 programs. Our senior staff are on numerous boards and committees throughout the community to connect our families with resources to help them move out of poverty.”

She’s proud of a strong board and associated fund development initiatives. Bylaw changes shortened permitted tenure terms, which she finds helpful. “We’re able to bring in leaders from the community with new ideas and other connections to help keep our agency strong.”   

“When I think of things that started while I’ve been here, either under my leadership as a director or president of the agency, I am proud of the microenterprise loan fund program that has grown into a Community Development Financial Institution where we help small businesses get on their feet and become very strong and very respected in the community,” says Annette. 

She’s also proud of three other major initiatives started by her, “The dropout retrieval program” mentioned earlier that returned over 900 to education. Annette continues, “Sabrina’s Place, the only supervised visitation and safe exchange center in our region for victims of domestic violence and their children that has kept over 1,000 victims and their children safe. Families come from across the country to benefit from the program; and TAP’s Whole Family Initiative.”

As a result of TAP’s Whole Family focus, its programs aim to work in concert to meet the needs of each member in a family simultaneously. For example, a parent may be getting a Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) or Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) certification through TAP’s adult education and employment programs while using childcare through Head Start. Looking at all family member needs has become a guiding principle for TAP.

 “I’m very excited about the direction the agency is going, to have a focus on the whole family and not operating in silos anymore,” Annette says.

“Annette has dedicated her life to helping the poor and those in need,” says Senator John S. Edwards. “Her extraordinary leadership at TAP has made life better for so many. Her leadership has extended to southwest Virginia and across the state in improving the lives for many families living in poverty.  I am proud to know her as a friend.”   Annette is the third president in TAP’s 59-year history. She’s served in this role for eight years. The agency has changed and evolved since she started as a summer youth employment counselor and so has she. Her last day at TAP will be March 1.

Two clapsed hands resting on a person's knee.

Building a More Resilient Community Through Social Connection

Compassion and social connection are fundamental aspects of human existence. This support plays a crucial, yet underestimated role in our daily lives. Data increasingly show that a lack of social bonds can lead to isolation—and ultimately impact one’s health.

The Fundamentals of Well-Being

According to TAP’s 2022 Community Needs Assessment, lacking a support system is a common problem. Surveys of 559 individuals revealed that 56% of people across our service area face a lack of social support. However, this isn’t just a local problem—the issue has gained attention from national health institutions.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention defines social connection as “relationships that create a sense of belonging and being cared for, valued, and supported.” These relationships have a larger impact than one might think. As the CDC explains, “When people are socially connected and have stable and supportive relationships, they are more likely to make healthy choices and to have better mental and physical health outcomes. They are also better able to cope with hard times, stress, anxiety, and depression.” Strong social bonds have been shown to lower one’s risk of heart disease, stroke, and dementia. The impact on community health was also emphasized by the CDC, stating that, “Social connectedness can also help create trust and resilience within communities.”

Further, the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion lists social and community support as one of the five social determinants of health. The Office notes, “Many people face challenges and dangers they can’t control—like unsafe neighborhoods, discrimination, or trouble affording the things they need. This can have a negative impact on health and safety throughout life. Positive relationships at home, at work, and in the community can help reduce these negative impacts.”

Compassion for Everyone

TAP is dedicated to confronting the social connection crisis through our range of programs, providing compassion and encouragement during tough times. We offer tailored support, paths to self-sufficiency, and services to address overlooked needs—all while fostering a community that builds networks and prevents isolation.

The impact of supporting those in need of connection can’t be overstated. By creating connections and opportunities, TAP aims to ignite the human spirit and build a more resilient community. Join us in making a difference! Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay informed about our community’s evolving needs, and visit our website to learn more about our programs and explore ways to contribute. Together, let’s build a stronger and more supportive community!

Investor Spotlight: Delta Dental of Virginia

Delta Dental of Virginia has more than 50 years’ experience providing access to quality oral healthcare. With their headquarters located right here in Roanoke, they’re also dedicated community supporters.

“It’s important that we serve our members and promote good oral health, but we also feel that service in the communities where our team members live and work is vital to accomplishing our mission to create healthy smiles throughout Virginia,” says Jeremy Butterfield, senior manager of corporate communications for Delta Dental of Virginia.

When it comes to serving their community, they don’t stop at oral health. Delta Dental of Virginia’s strong volunteer program encourages employees to find and volunteer with organizations that are important to them. “Our employee-led Smile Ambassadors group guides our company efforts around philanthropy, volunteerism, and environmental stewardship,” Jeremy notes. Not only has Delta Dental of Virginia provided grants to TAP for various programs, they’ve also been an annual investor in our Bringing Hope Home fundraising campaign. When asked why they choose to support TAP, Jeremy notes that “TAP is a strong organization with a long history of service, which speaks to your capacity to earn support and make good use of it in the communities you serve.”

Stories of hope graphic with photos of Ben and Miz

2022-2023 Annual Report

You Improved the Lives of Over 5,700 People Last Year

We are proud to share some highlights and stories from the past year in our 2022-2023 Annual Report. Please take a look at the report to see how the work you support is making our community stronger, healthier, safer, and more prosperous—one person, one family at a time.

TAP Provides Opportunity and Hope

Poverty robs people of opportunity and crushes hope; it creates a vicious cycle that destroys lives and communities. That’s why at TAP we work day and night to help people get out of and stay out of poverty. It is a mission to restore hope by giving families and individuals the resources and opportunities they need to take charge of their lives. We do this through our more than twenty programs in the areas of education and employment, housing, financial services, and domestic violence and family services. Our 2022-2023 Annual Report provides a glimpse into these programs and the lives that are better today because of your generosity.

These stories inspire, and they show just how far TAP’s work extends. You’ll read about Miz and how she has broken free from the cycle of poverty through the support of TAP’s job-training programs and TAP Head Start. She is now giving back to the community as a healthcare professional. You’ll also read about Ben, who has been able to improve and make repairs to his family farm that might otherwise have been lost without the support of TAP’s Business Seed program. His business not only provides for his own livelihood, but also provides hay and livestock throughout the area.

Your Support Makes This Possible

Because TAP is local and has no national affiliations, 100% of your gift stays right here in our community. Your support provides hope to Miz and Ben and thousands like them, giving them the opportunity they need to take charge of their lives. We are all better because of it. To make your gift today, please visit our donation page.

TAP Empowers Veterans: Nicholas

In life, there are moments when one’s determination and the right support can lead to profound changes. Today, we celebrate one such story of triumph and transformation: that of Nicholas, a veteran who has found his path to recovery and well-being through the dedicated efforts of TAP’s Veteran Services.

A Beacon of Hope for Veterans

Nicholas’s journey with TAP has been nothing short of remarkable. Further, he describes the experience as “night and day” compared to his previous interactions with other supportive services. Nicholas notes the speed and passion with which TAP’s team operates, providing him with support on his path to recovery.

“I was thinking earlier about if TAP could have a hospital, everyone I know would go there. It’s like angels have been sent to help me,” Nicholas shares, reflecting on the impact of TAP’s commitment to veterans’ well-being.

Changing Lives Through Supportive Services

TAP’s focus on supportive services for veterans has opened new doors for Nicholas post-service. Moreover, unlike his experience with other programs, where he felt a lack of individualized attention, TAP quickly found him a stable place to live and meaningful employment. Nicholas now enjoys a satisfying work-life balance and numerous opportunities for physical activity. He emphasizes how these changes have played a pivotal role in managing stress and improving his overall well-being. “If it wasn’t for TAP, I wouldn’t have a safety net.”

Nicholas, who works at the Kirk Family YMCA, underscores the YMCA’s significant impact on his journey. He describes the YMCA as a place that takes its mission seriously, providing scholarships and support to individuals in need. Just like TAP, the YMCA has become an integral part of his journey toward recovery and stability.

A Bright Future Beckons

As Nicholas continues to improve his physical health and well-being, he has ambitious plans for the future. He aspires to obtain a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) certification and become a certified personal trainer, furthering his journey of self-improvement and helping others along the way.

The story Nicholas Anduiza shared with us serves as a testament to the unwavering commitment of TAP’s Veteran Services to empower veterans and improve their lives. It’s a story of resilience, hope, and the power of community.

If you or someone you know is a veteran in need of support, TAP stands ready to make a positive difference. Reach out today and embark on your own path to recovery, well-being, and a brighter future. Together, we can create more success stories like Nicholas’s.

To support the work we do to support veterans like Nicholas, please consider donating.

Dr. Faith R. Pasley Wins the 2023 Cabell Brand Hope Award

The annual Cabell Brand Hope Award, which celebrates outstanding service, leadership, and dedication to fighting poverty, proudly announces its 2023 winner: Dr. Faith R. Pasley, M.D., FAAFP.

Dedication to Healthcare for All

Dr. Pasley embodies the Cabell Brand Hope Award in her work as the Roanoke Rescue Mission’s Volunteer Medical Director at the Fralin Free Clinic. As the only free clinic in the state located on-site at a shelter, the Fralin Free Clinic helps thousands of people experiencing homelessness get the healthcare they need each year. Dr. Pasley’s work provides crucial healthcare and wellness services to people experiencing homelessness. She reviews all patient charts, provides patient care, and actively recruits other physicians and providers.

Holistic Care: For Everyone

Additionally, Dr. Pasley played a key role in developing the newly implemented Medical Street Outreach. The program seeks to decrease the number of unsheltered people living in outdoor camps throughout the Roanoke region. The scale of services the clinic provides is daunting.

In 2022, the Fralin Free Clinic provided 5,370 healthcare and wellness encounters including primary & preventative care, mental & behavioral health services, medication assistance, dentistry, optometry, and patient education. That same year, it provided 3,620 separate patient visits. Rescue Mission CEO Lee Clark estimates that the clinic has served over 12,000 different patients under Dr. Pasley’s leadership.

A Lifetime of Service

Dr. Pasley has guided the work of the Fralin Free Clinic for over 18 years. Her vision and dedication proved critical as the clinic faced the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Pasley was honored with the Rescue Misison’s Mission Angel award this past July for her efforts, which allowed the Rescue Mission to continue providing life-saving care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during the pandemic. 

Her colleagues at the Rescue Mission also note that she is as compassionate in her duties as she is professional, and that her work has provided hope, healing, and empowerment to many people in the region. Dr. Pasley became the first board-certified female family physician in the Roanoke Valley, and from the very beginning, she has dedicated herself to a lifetime of learning, helping, and teaching others.

A Deserved Recognition

Indeed, Dr. Pasley is a source of vital care for low-income people. She is inspiration to her peers. Above all, however, she is a source of hope for our community. We are proud to honor her with the 2023 Cabell Brand Hope Award.