Looking for free child care? Join us for Head Start open enrollment! This program serves children ages 6 weeks to 5 years old for full- and part-time child care. When...
Total Action for Progress (TAP) invites you to our job fair happening on May 2, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Williamson Road Public Library (3837 Williamson Road). We...
Ready to be O.U.T.S.I.D.E.? With school coming to a close, join TAP at the O.U.T.S.I.D.E. (Observation. Unity. Trust. Self-Esteem. Integrity. Discipline. Empowerment.) Youth in this Summer Camp will learn skills in mindfulness, work on community-based projects, and spend time in nature with a team of peers. The O.U.T.S.I.D.E. program is completely free for students, and...
Attention youth advocates! You can teach youth athletes healthy relationship skills and that violence never equals strength with the help of Coaching Boys Into Men and Athletes as Leaders. About CBIM & AAL Coaching Boys Into Men and its sister component Athletes as Leaders feature short, evidence-based lessons proven to reduce violence among youth. CBIM & AAL...
Are you in 6th-8th grade? Looking for something to do this summer? Middle school-aged youth are welcome to join us for TAP’s Tomorrow’s Leaders Mentoring Summer Camp 2023! About Tomorrow's Leaders Mentoring Summer Camp This year our students will learn skills in self-care and current issues like gender and race. This program is for middle...
By popular demand, our African American Studies class is now open to members of the general public. Classes are free, and topics include: Meditation techniques and mindfulness practice Community bonding...
Working hard or hardly working? Why choose?! At TAP’s Tomorrow’s Leaders Mentoring, our youth work hard on fun projects that set them up for success in the future! This event...