Annual Campaign

A Call to Support TAPDonateCorporate SupportersFAQs

Bringing Hope Home is an annual campaign for TAP.

Since 1965, when TAP opened its doors, we’ve been an independent, local nonprofit dedicated to making one product for our community: opportunity. Opportunity for our neighbors—and yours—to live with dignity, to confidently direct the course of their lives, and to achieve their vision of success.

And, perhaps most importantly, the opportunity to have hope.

The Power of HOPE

As James Baldwin once said, hope is a thing that “is invented every day.” At TAP, we believe that.

That’s why we roll up our sleeves every day and meet people where they are. We work to create lasting solutions to the challenges they face. That’s the work of hope, and it needs the strong foundation of an engaged community. It needs you.

Poverty is more than simply a lack of money. Poverty takes away people’s ability to make choices. It makes new obstacles every day and creates hopelessness.

It’s easy to underestimate how hopelessness spreads. If left unchecked it can undermine even the strongest foundations. But we know from our 57 years of doing this work that hope makes a difference.

But we can’t do it alone. We need your help.

Donate Now

Bringing Hope Home will impact four key areas of TAP’s work:

Together, we can build a stronger future for our communities. For every single dollar you give, TAP can leverage $43 toward life-changing programming for the people of southwest Virginia.

Your donations to Bringing Hope Home are a direct investment in the people TAP serves, and they form the foundation that allows our programs to do the thing they do best: create opportunities.

Our goal is to raise $750,000 this year. Will you help?

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Corporate Supporters