Project Discovery alumna

The Road to NYC

A Project Discovery, a TAP Youth Education Program, alumna update

“Project Discovery has helped me achieve a lot of my dreams,” says Denashia Dunnaville, a Project Discovery alumna. This summer, a dream came true when Denashia, a journalism student at Virginia Tech, had the opportunity to intern with MSNBC Live with Ali Velshi in Rockefeller Center.

During a recent conversation with Project Discovery staff, Denashia described how she spent her days at MSNBC getting a behind-the-scenes look at the production of a daily show. Her mornings were a flurry of meetings, background research on guests, and making graphics. Afternoons were spent in the studio or control room, observing Velshi and the inner workings of the show. While the plans for the show would inevitably change over the course of the day, she enjoyed the fast pace.

When she spoke about her future in journalism, Denashia’s eyes lit up.After I graduate I want to be a producer,” she said. “I hope to get an entry-level producing job either locally or with NBC. My long-term goal is to be an executive producer.”

But she wasn’t always headed toward the producer role. Denashia described how, like most new journalism students, she initially wanted to be in front of the camera. “[At Virginia Tech] I was put in front of the camera as an anchor and while it was fun, when I watched myself afterwards I immediately recognized things I wish I had done differently. I realized I would rather be the producer so I could see things in real time and make adjustments.”

Similarly, TAP’s Project Discovery helped Denashia change directions when it came to the college search process. Project Discovery, a program that helps students prepare for and apply to college, features free college campus tours. Those tours turned out to be important for Denashia. Her heart was set on attending UVA, but when she set foot on the Virginia Tech campus with Project Discovery, “it already felt like home,” Denashia explained.  “It was very valuable to me to have that on-campus experience.”

Looking back on her time with Project Discovery, Denashia shared how the program not only helped her focus on college, but also helped her grow as a young person. On the trips out of town to visit campuses, Denashia benefitted from cultural enrichment elements incorporated by Project Discovery like visits to museums and historical tours. She laughed recalling a nighttime tour of Williamsburg that was supposed to be spooky, but fell flat. In the end, Denashia said, “I learned some history that I would not have otherwise learned in Roanoke if I had just stayed home.”

While Denashia’s enrollment in Project Discovery ended with her high school graduation and acceptance into college, the program has continued to support her growth. When she received her internship offer with MSNBC, Denashia faced a quandary—the opportunity was a golden one, but the stipend MSNBC offered was not enough to cover her living costs in New York City. So Denashia turned to her network, reaching out to contacts in Roanoke who might be willing to help. “Project Discovery emailed me back immediately,” said Denashia. She brainstormed with Project Discovery staff about different fundraising ideas, and ultimately, between family support and fundraising, was able to raise funds to cover her remaining costs.

Denashia credits Project Discovery with helping her get to Virginia Tech and beyond.  “They teach a lot of life lessons…they want you to know there are ways you can succeed no matter where you are.”

Each year Project Discovery reaches hundreds of middle and high school students in the Roanoke Valley and Alleghany Highlands, helping them to prepare for and go on to college. Project Discovery is one of several TAP programs that rely primarily on local funding, foundation grants, and individuals and businesses in our community. Please consider supporting Project Discovery with a gift today. Your support is life-changing for young people like Denashia.

TAP Job Training

Adult Education: A Way Out of Poverty

A Chat About Job Training with Charysse Hairston and Spring Abney

One job can make all the difference in lifting a family out of poverty.

At TAP, when we sit down to work with someone who needs a job, we don’t just work to get them any job. We help people land good jobs—ones that pay strong wages with benefits.

But these jobs usually require specific skills and education. That’s why we’ve taken the time to identify jobs in our area that are in demand, pay good wages, and that people can train for in a relatively short amount of time.

Charysse Hairston and Spring Abney both work in our adult education programs and recently spoke with us about how the right job training can be life-changing.

Q: What goals are you are trying to achieve with each person who comes to you for job training?

A: Our main focus is on getting people into better employment. We help them to think about their futures, where they want to see their families, and what’s going to get them there. To make sure we’re aiming for realistic jobs and setting people up for success, we do individual career plans with each person.

Q: Do you change your career track offerings based on market demand?

A: Yes, we keep an eye on the job market, because if a person’s goal is to grow his or her income, we want to make sure there’s a position for them at the end of the training.

Q: What kinds of supports do you provide to help make it possible for people to train? How important are these supports to their success?

A: Often the barrier to training is child care. One of our grants allows us to provide childcare assistance to many of our adult education students, and the majority of the people we work with could not do any type of training or get a better career without this support.

Another unique thing we provide is transportation support in the form of bus passes or gas cards.

Q: Can you talk about the quality of the jobs that people can reach through these programs, compared to their other employment options?

A: Right now we are training people for middle-skill careers in healthcare, IT, or manufacturing. We want people to earn more than $11 an hour, and right now most people completing our program are able to earn in the $13 – $16 range. You can go work at some retail stores or fast food without any experience, and you will be able to make minimum wage or even up to $10 an hour. But to move up in income you have to have some type of training.

Q: When somebody supports these adult education programs, what kind of impact are they making on our community?

A: Our supporters are helping to change the mentality and lives of the people we serve. A lot of people, after training with us, decide they will keep moving forward, and they go back to school to become a registered nurse or earn an advanced manufacturing certification. Supporting TAP’s training programs helps get people beyond the job mindset and into a career mindset of being passionate about what they are doing.

Click here to learn more about TAP’s adult education and training programs.

TAP Virginia CARES program

Six Questions with JoAnne Carter of TAP Virginia CARES

Case Manager JoAnn Carter is a big part of our Virginia CARES program’s ability to nurture good habits and lasting changes. She sat down to answer some of our questions about the work, what keeps participants from losing hope, and how to make a lasting impact on someone’s life.

Q: Let’s start with the basics—who participates in the program, and what problem does Virginia CARES solve for its participants?

A: Virginia CARES participants are people who were incarcerated and are either about to get out or are within their first year of having been released.

Sometimes it’s people who have no family, or maybe they’re not getting along with their family. Our main job is getting them to where they’re self-sufficient and independent.

Many don’t have computer or even cell phone experience. They don’t have the skills and the training [to find good jobs], and that’s what we provide.

Q: So what are some of specific things the program can do to help people become independent when they have so many things to think about at once?

A: It all starts with the question, ‘How can I help this person?’ Well, certainly people need different things.

We can give them single and monthly bus passes to get to work, we can get them a cell phone or a cell phone card, work clothes. When rent’s a problem, sometimes we have security deposit or first month’s rent assistance, if they’re having a hard time getting that together.

We get participants together for a peer group to focus on real life issues, or we work one-on-one with them.

We do coaching and mock interviews to help them learn how to correctly complete applications, write a cover letter, create a résumé, apply online, and prepare for interviews. And when we do mock interviews, sometimes it’s one-on-one, and sometimes it’s a panel interview.

One of the biggest things, though, is connecting them to other resources.

Q: What kinds of other resources?

A: We refer out for substance use or mental health services and also to employer partners.

Q: What’s something a lot of people don’t know about, or don’t necessarily think about?

A: One thing the participants don’t always know about is the court costs. So we bring the clerk in from the courthouse to talk to the participants about those.

We also bring in folks from Freedom First to do budgeting classes, covering how to set up an account, how to budget for when things are due, and how to set goals. We have eight clients who have saved up to get cars, right now.

Q: How many clients do you work with?

A: We have 169 right now.

Q: What’s the most important part of your job?

A: I don’t want them to lose hope! The need is so great, and it pushes me to come to work every day. I love coming to work and I love my participants. The ultimate goal, though, is for them to push themselves.

Click here to find out more about our Virginia CARES program.